maanantai 22. elokuuta 2016

Greetings from Edinburgh

'Clare and I are excitedly looking forward to our visit to Espoo. We greatly value our partnership with your diocese and the friendships we are forming with your people. I hope this is something we can build upon as our link develops. Having attended your clergy conference some years ago I know how much I received from our shared study and worship. Indeed, I remember a very cold but deeply joyful outdoor Eucharist as night fell and geese flew overhead.

The UK’s decision to leave the European Union has left many of us in Scotland sad and bewildered – all the more reason to find new ways of celebrating and enjoying our unity in Christ – a unity that transcends national boundaries. See you in September.’

Bishop John Armes, Diocese of Edinburgh, Scottish Episcopal Church

Ystävyyshiippakunnastamme tulee piispan lisäksi vierailulle kuoro, Old Saint Paul's Choir. Kuoroa johtaa John Kitchen, johon voit tutustua esimerkiksi täältä.

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